Today saw the first tenants move into their new accommodation built for The Goodwin Development Trust at Hugh Webster Place.

The scheme of 41 dwellings (23 flats, both 1 and 2 bed, and 18 x 3 bed houses) is based on the site of the former Goodwin HQ. All of the flats and were designed and built to exceed the required HCA space standards.

The timber framed construction was sat on a masonry plinth which raised the accommodation above the flood risk level. The development has a stepped profile rising from 2 to 4 storeys from the south to the north, this allows daylight to penetrate all of the accommodation, private gardens and a central shared food growing courtyard.

The striking housing development on Icehouse Road has been developed to provide affordable, quality family social housing with affordable rents and a low-energy footprint.

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