Houlton was proud to continue supporting this year’s Lifestyle Night Challenge, an o...

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Corporate Social Responsibility
Houlton as a privately-owned fifth generation family company takes its corporate and social responsibilities regarding the needs of our employees, customers, suppliers and stakeholders very seriously.
We are proud of the value of our voluntary actions we take over and above minimum legal requirement compliance which balance the company’s economic sustainability alongside our social and environmental responsibilities.
The Directors and Staff are committed to managing the Company's operations and processes and aspire to constantly improve its key principles in relation to People, Marketplace, Communities and the Environment.
Our established systems manage our activities and continually assess the consequences of our actions – including our integrated ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Certification, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System.
The policy is the direct responsibility of the Managing Director and will be reviewed at least annually with objectives and targets set at appropriate levels to embed social value in our operations.
Our latest CSR Report is available at http://houlton.co.uk/downloads
Houlton was proud to continue supporting this year’s Lifestyle Night Challenge, an o...